Joey Graceffa
ジョーイはアメリカ人のYouTuberでとにかく多才です。俳優、ライター、プロデューサー、歌手もやっています。JoeyGraceffa と Joey GraceffaのYouTubeチャンネルを持っていて合わせて約850万人の視聴者がいます。CBSの番組「アメージング・レース」に登場したり、自伝を出すほどの人気です。どうもゲイのようです。
Joseph “Joey” Michael Graceffa is an American actor, writer, producer, singer and YouTube personality. His two YouTube channels, JoeyGraceffa and Joey Graceffa, have a combined total of more than 850 million views. Not just a pretty face on YouTube, Joey has started his own web series separate from his vlog, released a music video, appeared on the Amazing Race and released a memoir.
Jack and Finn Harries
Jack and Finn are twin brothers who vlog about their travelling experiences. If you are into cute, British accent and funny guys then there is your choice. They are running travel vlog and share their adventure experiences. They are cool and cute and since they travel a lot so they know stuff and cultural, so much for 22 years guys.
Jim Chapman
Jim chapman is a British vlogger with Disney prince jaw line and chin. He is seen everywhere and does bit of everything by inviting guest to his channel or being the guest of others. In 2015, GQmagazine voted him the 17th Best Dressed Man in Britain. Plus, he even gives advice to girls about guys… He has amazing British accent which make you die for him. He first started out with product reviews and hair tutorials.
Anthony Padilla
Anthony is another hot YouTuber you don’t want to miss. He is a co-creator of the channel “Smosh” and its contents include crazy skits and interviews with celebrities. He is sexy and funny and you really don’t want to miss his recent plays and he is about to become a really big deal because he has a movie coming out. So go ahead this may be your chance before you lose him forever. Smosh is an eclectic channel with different comedy sketches that parody everything from selfie addictions to Pokemon.
Felix Kjellberg
Felix is surprisingly hot and sexy Swedish YouTuber also known as PewDiePie. He is a most subscribed YouTuber knocking out. Celebrity VEVO channels of celebs like Rihanna and Eminem. This Swedish star, age 24, specializes in video game montages that are quirky and definitely one-of-a-kind. PewDiePie reportedly makes about $4 million per year from ad sales for his videos. He is 24 years old, blue eyes and perfect jawline.
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